Category: IT Management

IT Management

IDG Contributor Network: Adidas figures out how to win with physical stores

By Evan Schuman Physical retail chain executives routinely fret about their brick-and-mortar stores’ inability to effectively compete against e-commerce sites, including their own. They’re right to, even though no site can ever match brick-and-mortar’s many physical attributes, including touch, smell, taste, human interactions and true immediacy. Other than a few merchants here and there that…


By Sharky Company hires a new senior-level employee away from its biggest competitor, and that would be big news — except the company doesn’t want it to be news just yet, says the IT pilot fish responsible for onboarding the new hire on the QT. “The instructions from the VP who hired him are to…

What C-level leaders need to know about cybersecurity

By Matt Hamblen Despite the scale and potential harm from cyber-attacks, there’s wide recognition that corporate leaders, especially boards of directors, aren’t taking the necessary actions to defend their companies against such attacks. It’s not just a problem of finding the right cyber-defense tools and services, but also one of management awareness and security acumen…