Category: IDG Contributor Network

IDG Contributor Network

IDG Contributor Network: Whole Foods trying out whole new ways of retailing

By Evan Schuman At a recent industry conference, Whole Foods Co-CEO John Mackey was talking about the challenges of retail competition when he made an intriguing point. is positioned, he said, to subsidize its partner pricing indefinitely, thereby harming competitors by forcing them to sell at lower-than-sustainable prices. To be fair, his broader point…

IDG Contributor Network: The retail EMV quagmire

By Evan Schuman Retailers have this love-hate relationship with EMV, in that they love to hate EMV. It’s slow, cumbersome, alienates customers and until a store fully deploys it, the liability shift is expensive. There’s also a reasonable argument that the liability shift is not fair to merchants, since they are being punished for something…