Sounds like management material to us…

By Sharky Freshly arrived boss decides to gauge how well his new 50-person staff responds to change, so he gives each staffer a packet with an excerpt from Who Moved My Cheese?, reports an IT pilot fish on the scene. “It wasn’t the whole book — just 10 or 12 pages photocopied out of it,”…

IDG Contributor Network: Amazon’s wacky workweek hours experiment

By Evan Schuman Amazon has never shied away from an experiment and, indeed, many of Amazon’s nontraditional business processes are now SOP for everyone else. Therefore, its experiments are worth watching. A new one surfaced this week, an effort to offer 30-hour workweeks “for select employees.” As described by The Washington Post, “the program will…

More IoT botnets connected to DDoS attacks

By Security researchers have found another botnet operation exploiting internet of things devices to carry out powerful distributed denial of service attacks, prompting calls for IoT device makers to improve security …read more Source::